Takumi Yanagawa


Advisory Software Developer
Takumi Yanagawa


  • I received Ph.D in Science from Nagoya University in 2015

  • I joined IBM Tokyo Software and System Development Lab. (TSDL) in 2015, then moved to IBM Research - Tokyo in 2022

  • My research interests include

    • Compliance as Code, Policy as Code, Open Security Control Assessment Language (OSCAL)
    • Container, Kubernetes, Multi Cluster Management
  • Projects at IBM Research

    • 2022-present (IBM Research): MultiCloud/MultiCluster Continuous Compliance
      • Standardization of compliance processes
      • Design and development of Syncer for MultiCluster management
  • Projects at IBM Tokyo Software and System Development Laboratory

    • 2018-2022: Product development of Watson OpenScale
      • Backend development, technical supports, CI/CD pipeline maintainer
    • 2017-2018: Product development of Watson Studio
      • Backend development, CI/CD pipeline developer
    • 2016-2017: Product development of Watson Knowledge Studio
      • Transition from On-premise to Cloud
    • 2015-2016: Sofbank and IBM joint project for Japanese localization of Watson APIs
  • Publications

    1. Kubernetes Contributor Summit North America 2023 (https://sched.co/1SpAv)
    2. Compliance Automated Standard Solution (COMPASS), Part 6: Compliance to Policy for Multiple Kubernetes Clusters
    3. Syncing Objects from one Kubernetes cluster to another Kubernetes cluster
    4. T. Yanagawa and F. Terui, "Local model explanation with linguistic approach", The 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, June 11, 2020 (link)