HKPoly: A Polystore Architecture to Support Data Linkage and Queries on Distributed and Heterogeneous DataLeonardo Guerreiro AzevedoRenan Souzaet al.2024SBSI 2024
Integrating ADME-Tox properties of PFAS described in public and private knowledge bases using WikidataGuilherme Augusto Ferreira LimaMarcelo Machadoet al.2024ACS Spring 2024
OWL ontology evolution: Understanding and unifying the complex changesViviane Torres Da SilvaJéssica Soares Dos Santoset al.2022Knowledge Engineering Review
DevOps and Microservices in Scientific System development: experience on a multi-year industry research projectMaximillien De BayserVinícius Seguraet al.2022SAC 2022
Supporting Polystore Queries using Provenance in a Hyperknowledge GraphLeonardo Guerreiro AzevedoRenan Francisco Santos Souzaet al.2021ISWC 2021
A Recommender for Choosing Data Systems based on Application Profiling and BenchmarkingElton Figueiredo de Souza SoaresRenan Francisco Santos Souzaet al.2021SBBD 2021
Workflow Provenance in the Lifecycle of Scientific Machine LearningRenan Francisco Santos SouzaLeonardo Guerreiro Azevedoet al.2021CCPE
Managing data lineage of O&G machine learning models: The sweet spot for shale use caseRaphael ThiagoRenan Souzaet al.2020EAGE Digital 2020
Experiencing ProvLake to Manage the Data Lineage of AI WorkflowsLeonardo Guerreiro AzevedoRenan Francisco Santos Souzaet al.2020SBSI 2020
Enabling contextualized knowledge description with non-symbolic integrationElton SoaresRaphael Thiagoet al.2020ISWC-Posters 2020
LGLeonardo Guerreiro AzevedoStaff Research Scientist, Knowledge Engineer and Distributed Service Architect