Program Day 1 - Tuesday 14/11/2017
08:30 - 09:30 Registration and Welcome
09:30 - 09:45 Opening Remarks
09:45 - 10:45 Keynote: QED and Symbolic QED: Dramatic Improvements in Pre-silicon and Post-silicon Validation of Digital Systems
Prof. Subhasish Mitra, Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science, Stanford University
View keynote slides
Session chair: Avi Ziv
10:45 - 11:45 Technical Session: Modeling
Session chair: Marijn Heule
A Framework for Asynchronous Circuit Modeling and Verification in ACL2,
Cuong Chau, Warren Hunt, Marly Roncken, and Ivan Sutherland
Modeling undefined behaviour semantics for checking equivalence across compiler optimizations,
Manjeet Dahiya and Sorav Bansal
11:45 - 12:15 Coffee Break
12:15 - 13:15 Technical Session: Concurrency analysis
Session chair: Shmuel Katz
Deferrability Analysis for JavaScript,
Johannes Kloos, Rupak Majumdar and Frank McCabe
A Verifier of Directed Acyclic Graphs for Model Checking with Memory Consistency Models,
Tatsuya Abe
13:15 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 15:30 Keynote: Scalable, Transparent and Post-quantum Secure Computational Integrity, with applications to Crypto-currencies
Prof. Eli Ben-Sasson, Department of Computer Science, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Session chair: Ofer Strichman
15:30 - 17:00 Technical Session: Security and testing
Session chair: Cristian Cadar
Trace-based Analysis of Memory Corruption Malware Attacks,
Zhixing Xu, Aarti Gupta and Sharad Malik
Trace-Based Run-time Analysis of Message-Passing Go Programs,
Martin Sulzmann and Kai Stadtmuller
Software Verification: Testing vs. Model Checking. A Comparative Evaluation of the State of the Art,
Dirk Beyer and Thomas Lemberger
17:10 - 18:30 Reception, Posters and Tool Demos
Keynote Speakers
- Prof. Eli Ben-Sasson, Technion
- Prof. Dino Distefano, Queen Mary, University of London
- Prof. Subhasish Mitra, Stanford University
- Kedar Namjoshi, Bell Labs, Nokia
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