Submission Instructions

Original and previously unpublished manuscripts should be submitted for consideration through the Easychair website. Manuscripts should be in the LNCS format.

Three categories of submissions will be considered:

  1. Regular papers describing original contributions to the state of the art in the field and not exceeding sixteen (16) pages in LNCS format, including references.

  2. Posters – Up to 4 pages of description of the intended contents of the poster. Accepted submissions in this category will present a poster in a demos/posters joint session.

  3. Tool demos – Up to 4 pages of description of the demonstrated tool. While there is less focus on academic novelty in this category compared to regular paper submissions, the tool must be relevant to the expected HVC crowd and preferably based on previous academic publications. (Previous publications describing the tool should be stated in the description.) Authors of papers in this category will be given a 'station' in which they can demo their tool in the demos/posters joint session.

Submissions in all categories will be included in the proceedings.
Note that the publisher does not send submissions with less than 4 pages to indexing services.

For submission instructions see:

Click here for submission! (Easychair website)

Submission and review policy

Submitted papers will be reviewed by three members of the program committee, or by sub-reviewers of their choice. Based on reviewers' recommendations, the program chair and the general chair will make the final decision on acceptance and notify the contact author. Please note that HVC allows submissions by program committee members and members of the organizing committee. To guarantee fairness of the review process in such cases, organizers who are authors of submitted papers will be excluded from the review and the decision process regarding their papers. Other organizers will be appointed to handle their papers. The review process will be managed through the EasyChair conference management system.

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