We are happy to announce ISCOL 2019, the annual meeting of the Israeli
Seminar on Computational Linguistics.
ISCOL 2019 will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at IBM Research - Haifa.
Registration is now closed.
Please contact ETIJ@il.ibm.com for more information.
Computational linguistics and natural language processing are active
research and development fields in Israel today, both in academia and
industry. ISCOL is a venue for exchanging ideas, reporting on work in
progress and established results, forming cooperation, and advancing
the collaboration between academia and industry. ISCOL is also a
friendly stage for students making their first appearance in this
Program Committee
- Omri Abend, The Hebrew University, Co-chair
- David Konopnicki, IBM Research AI - Haifa, Co-chair
- Shila Ofek-Koifman, IBM Research AI - Haifa
09:00-09:30: Coffee and Registration
09:30-09:35: Opening Words - Aya Soffer, VP, AI Technologies, IBM Research AI
09:35-10:55: Morning Session
session chair: Jonathan Berant
- Ben Bogin, Matt Gardner and Jonathan Berant. Representing Schema Structure with Graph Neural Networks for Text-to-SQL Parsing
- Yanai Elazar, Abhijit Mahabal, Deepak Ramachandran, Tania Bedrax Weiss and Dan Roth. How Large Are Lions? Inducing Distributions over Quantitative Attributes
- Assaf Toledo, Shai Gretz, Edo Cohen-Karlik, Roni Friedman, Elad Venezian, Dan Lahav, Michal Jacovi, Ranit Aharonov and Noam Slonim. Automatic Argument Quality Assessment - New Datasets and Methods
- Reut Tsarfaty, Shoval Sadde, Stav Klein and Amit Seker. What's Wrong with Hebrew NLP and How to Make It Right
10:55-11:20: Coffee Break
11:20-12:40: Noon Session
session chair: Reut Tsarfaty
- Shany Barhom, Vered Shwartz, Alon Eirew, Michael Bugert, Nils Reimers and Ido Dagan. Revisiting Joint Modeling of Cross-document Entity and Event Coreference Resolution
- Noa Yehezkel Lubin, Jacob Goldberger and Yoav Goldberg. Aligning Vector-spaces with Noisy Supervised Lexicons
- Deborah Cohen, Gal Elidan, Michael Fink, Eugene Ie, Orgad Keller, Sayali Kulkarni, Eran Ofek, Sagie Pudinsky, Asaf Revach, Shimi Salant and Idan Szpektor. Dynamic Composition for Domain Exploration Dialogues
- Kfir Bar, Vered Zilberstein, Ido Ziv, Heli Baram, Nachum Dershowitz, Samuel Itzkowitz and Eiran Vadim Harel. Semantic Characteristics of Schizophrenic Speech
12:40-13:30: Invited Talk:
How to talk to the future: on nuclear waste, atomic priesthood and semiotics
Noa Menhaim, Editor, Essayist and Head of Hebrew Literature Department at "Kinneret, Zamora, Dvir" Publishing House
13:30-14:30: Lunch
14:00-15:00: Posters - Afternoon session
- Miriam Azar, Aliza Pahmer and Joshua Waxman - A Graph Dictionary for Biblical Hebrew
- Peter Izsak, Shira Guskin and Moshe Wasserblat - Accelerating and Distilling BERT for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
- Amit Shkolnik, Hava Doron-Soferman, Natalie Shapira and Michal Komem - Mental Distress Detection in Hebrew Text
- Jonathan Mamou, Moshe Wasserblat and Ido Dagan - Light Supervision for Name Entity Recognition
- Aaron Bornstein, Arie Cattan, Alon Eirew and Ido Dagan - Revisiting Guidelines for Cross Document Coreference Mention Extraction
- Omri Koshorek, Gabriel Satanovsky, Yichu Zhou, Vivek Srikumar and Jonathan Berant - On the Limits of Learning to Actively Learn Semantic Representations
- Boris Pevzner - The Application Model Orders the Search Google Result According to Categories
- Oren Sar Shalom, Yehezkel S. Resheff, Alex Zhicharevich and Rami Cohen - Distant Supervision for Keyphrase Extraction using Search Queries
- Edan Hauon, Amit Eliav and Tal Baumel - Automatic GIF Query Prediction from Conversation Context
- Nimrod Sarid, Ilana Tuil, Mathew Honnibal and Raphael Cohen - Classification of Speech Utterances: End-to-end Architecture and Bag of Tricks
- Dror Mughaz, Michael Lugassi and Refael Zanzuri - Expanding the Word2vec Vector Space
- Paul Roit, Ayal Klein, Daniela Stepanov, Jonathan Mamou, Julian Michael, Gabriel Stanovsky, Luke Zettlemoyer and Ido Dagan - Crowdsourcing a High-Quality Gold Standard for QA-SRL
- Ariel Gutman, Anton Ivanov and Jessica Kirchner - Using Dependency Grammars in Guiding Templatic Natural Language Generation
- Matan Ben Noach and Yoav Goldberg - Transfer Learning Between Related Tasks Using Expected Label Proportions
- Ohad Rozen, Vered Shwartz, Roee Aharoni and Ido Dagan - Analyzing Generalization in Natural Language Inference via Controlled Variance in Adversarial Datasets
- Yochay Gurman and Reut Tsarfaty - Comparing Sentence Encoders' Capability to Capture Inter-Sentential Contingency Relations via a Reordering Task
- Roy Bar-Haim, Dalia Krieger, Orith Toledo-Ronen, Lilach Edelstein, Yonatan Bilu, Alon Halfon, Yoav Katz, Amir Menczel, Ranit Aharonov and Noam Slonim - From Surrogacy to Adoption; From Bitcoin to Cryptocurrency: Debate Topic Expansion
- Tzuf Paz Argaman and Reut Tsarfaty - RUN through the Streets: A New Dataset and Baseline Models for Realistic Urban Navigation
- Shoval Sadde, Aynat Rubinstein and Reut Tsarfaty - Detection and Classification of a Broader-sense of Modality
- Eyal Shnarch, Martin Gleize, Leshem Choshen, Lena Dankin, Guy Moshkowich, Ranit Aharonov and Noam Slonim - Are You Convinced? Choosing the More Convincing Evidence with a Siamese Network
15:00-16:20: Afternoon Session
session chair: Yonathan Bilu
- Michal Shmueli-Scheuer, Guy Lev, Jonathan Herzig, Achiya Jerbi and David Konopnicki. TALK SUMM: A Dataset and Scalable Annotation Method for Scientific Paper Summarization Based on Conference Talks
- Amichai Doitch, Ram Yazdi, Tamir Hazan and Roi Reichart. Perturbation Based Learning for Structured NLP Tasks with Application to Dependency Parsing
- Abraham Israeli, Shani Cohen, Stepan Zakharov and Oren Tsur. 3COM; Compact Communities Comparison
- Leshem Choshen, Lior Fox, Zohar Aizenbud and Omri Abend. On the Weaknesses of Reinforcement Learning for Neural Machine Translation
16:20-18:00: Reception - Posters - Evening Session
- Mor Geva, Yoav Goldberg and Jonathan Berant - Are We Modeling the Task or the Annotator? An Investigation of Annotator Bias in Natural Language Understanding Datasets
- Stav Klein and Reut Tsarfaty - Probing BERT's Morphological Capacity via Multi-Tag Assignments in Modern Hebrew
- Natalie Shapira, Yoav Goldberg, Eva Gilboa-Schechtman, Rivka Tuval-Mashiach, Gal Lazaros, Daniel Juravski and Dana Atzil-Slonim - Change in Language Session-by-Session During Psychotherapy Treatment
- Adina Cohen and Joshua Waxman - NER of Citations and Fine-Grained Classification of Responsa
- Yosi Mass, Haggai Roitman, Shai Erera, Or Rivlin, Bar Weiner and David Konopnicki - A Study of BERT for Non-Factoid Question-Answering under Passage Length Constraints
- Adi Shalev, Jena D. Hwang, Nathan Schneider, Vivek Srikumar, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport - Preparing SNACS for Subjects and Objects
- Amit Moryossef, Roee Aharoni and Yoav Goldberg - Filling Gender & Number Gaps in Neural Machine Translation with Black-box Context Injection
- Ori Shapira, David Gabay, Yang Gao, Hadar Ronen, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Mohit Bansal, Yael Amsterdamer and Ido Dagan - Crowdsourcing Lightweight Pyramids for Manual Summary Evaluation
- Alon Talmor and Jonathan Berant - MULTIQA: An Empirical Investigation of Generalization and Transfer in Reading Comprehension
- Dan Bareket and Reut Tsarfaty - Morphologically-Aware Named Entity Recognition (NER) for Modern Hebrew
- Abraham Israeli, Alex Kremiansky and Oren Tsur - r/place it T-HE Place: Predicting Community Engagement in Large-scale Distributed Campaigns through Text
- Tamar Lavee, Matan Orbach, Lili Kotlerman, Yoav Kantor, Shai Gretz, Lena Dankin, Shachar Mirkin, Michal Jacovi, Yonatan Bilu, Ranit Aharonov and Noam Slonim - Towards Effective Rebuttal: Listening Comprehension Using Corpus-Wide Claim Mining
- Yoav Kantor, Yoav Katz, Leshem Choshen, Edo Cohen-Karlik, Naftali Liberman, Assaf Toledo, Amir Menczel and Noam Slonim - Learning to Combine Grammatical Error Corrections
- Tomer Wolfson, Jonathan Berant, Ankit Gupta, Mor Geva and Daniel Deutch - A Question Decomposition Benchmark
- Joshua Waxman - A System to Generate Probabilistic Prosodic Trees
- Chaya Liebeskind and Shmuel Liebeskind - Emoji Prediction for Hebrew Political Domain
- Racheli Moskowitz and Joshua Waxman - Leitwort Detection and Quantification
- Rotem Dror, Segev Shlomov and Roi Reichart - Deep Dominance - How to Properly Compare Deep Neural Models
- Yonatan Bilu, Ariel Gera, Daniel Hershcovich, Benjamin Sznajder, Dan Lahav, Guy Moshkowitch, Anael Malet, Assaf Gavron and Noam Slonim - Argument Invention from First Principles
Call for Papers
We invite presentations on recent work in all areas of computational linguistics, natural language processing, and closely related fields. We accept work underway or published provided that it represents recent and original work of interest to our audience.
Please submit your work through EasyChair here.
Note: You may submit work that was already published elsewhere. As there are no formal proceedings to ISCOL, submissions are not taken into account with respect to publication in other venues.
The submission deadline is August 04, 2019.