We used a combined scanning tunneling and atomic force microscope working in ultrahigh vacuum and at a temperature of -450.67°F or -268.15°C5 Kelvin. Precursor molecules, synthesized at CiQUS, Santiago de Compostela, were deposited on an ultrathin (two monolayer thick) NaCl film on a copper single crystal. Using the tip of a scanning probe microscope, we first dissociated chlorine masking groups from the precursor, forming a carbon-rich, highly strained molecule.
On this resulting molecule we demonstrated that different internal bonds can be formed and broken at will. Depending on the exact value of voltage pulses applied from the tip of the microscope, the structure of the molecule that features a 10-membered carbon ring in the center can be either converted to a molecule with a 4- and an 8-membered ring, or a structure with two 6-membered rings in its center. The reactions are reversible; we can therefore switch from one molecular strcutre to another repeatedly and in a controlled fashion. Such selective and reversible bond formation could enable molecular machines that perform variable and complex tasks.
We investigated the mechanisms that enabled the selectivity in these reactions and found that an important ingredient for the selectivity is the energy landscape of the molecule in different charge states. Different charge states are addressed by voltage pulses of different values .Additionally, energy is transferred by tunneling electrons. The insights we obtained are useful to better-understand redox reactions and molecular transformations in general that are important in organic synthesis and in nature.
Now that we found this possibility to control bond formation with selectivity, and advanced the understanding in the underlying mechanisms, we will build upon this knowledge. Complex molecular machines and more complex tasks triggered and selected by voltage pulses could become possible.
For example, another path to explore further could be to trigger the reactions not by electrons from a tip of a scanning tunneling microscope, but by transferring electrons between different sites within the molecule. The relatively high energy barriers of the triggered reactions indicate that significant workload could be performed by molecular machines based on selective bond formation.
Albrecht, F. et al. Selectivity in single-molecule reactions by tip-induced redox chemistry. Science vol. 377 298–301 (2022). ↩
Kudernac, T., Ruangsupapichat, N., Parschau, M. et al. Electrically driven directional motion of a four-wheeled molecule on a metal surface. Nature 479, 208–211 (2011). ↩