Poster: Hidden in plain sight: A filesystem for data integrity and confidentialityAnne KohlbrennerFrederico Araujoet al.2017CCS 2017
Hunting for invisibility: Characterizing and detecting malicious web infrastructures through server visibility analysisJialong ZhangXin Huet al.2016INFOCOM 2016
Practical comprehensive bounds on surreptitious communication over DNSVern PaxsonMihai Christodorescuet al.2013USENIX Security 2013
Asset risk scoring in enterprise network with mutually reinforced reputation propagationXin HuTing Wanget al.2014S&P 2014
Scarecrow: Deactivating Evasive Malware via Its Own Evasive LogicJialong ZhangZhongshu Guet al.2020DSN 2020
Cross-Stack Threat Sensing for Cyber Security and ResilienceFrederico AraujoTeryl Tayloret al.2018DSN-W 2018
Protecting intellectual property of deep neural networks with watermarkingJialong ZhangZhongshu Guet al.2018ASIACCS 2018
Dressed up: Baiting attackers through endpoint service projectionMarc StoecklinFrederico Araujoet al.2018SDN-NFVSec 2018