Associative Algorithms for Computational CreativityLav R. VarshneyJun Wanget al.2015Journal of Creative Behavior
Data challenges in disease response: The 2014 ebola outbreak and beyondKush R. VarshneyDennis Weiet al.2015JDIQ
Collaborative kalman filtering for dynamic matrix factorizationJohn Z. SunDhruv Parthasarathyet al.2014IEEE TSP
Sparsity-driven synthetic aperture radar imaging: Reconstruction, autofocusing, moving targets, and compressed sensingMujdat CetinIvana Stojanovicet al.2014IEEE SPM
Bounded confidence opinion dynamics in a social network of Bayesian decision makersKush R. Varshney2014IEEE JSTSP
Generalization error of linear discriminant analysis in spatially-correlated sensor networksKush R. Varshney2012IEEE TSP