Conference paper

Large-Scale Analysis of the Docker Hub Dataset

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Docker containers have become a prominent solution for supporting modern enterprise applications due to the highly desirable features of isolation, low overhead, and efficient packaging of the execution environment. Containers are created from images which are shared between users via a Docker registry. The amount of data Docker registries store is massive; for example, Docker Hub, a popular public registry, stores at least half a million public images. In this paper, we analyze over 167 TB of uncompressed Docker Hub images, characterize them using multiple metrics and evaluate the potential of file-level deduplication in Docker Hub. Our analysis helps to make conscious decisions when designing storage for containers in general and Docker registries in particular. For example, only 3% of the files in images are unique, which means file-level deduplication has a great potential to save storage space for the registry. Our findings can motivate and help improve the design of data reduction, caching, and pulling optimizations for registries.