Antonio Foncubierta Rodriguez




Staff Research Scientist
Antonio Foncubierta Rodriguez


Antonio is a Staff Research Scientist in AI for Scientific Discovery at IBM Research Europe - Zürich.

His research interests are AI for image analysis and multimodal AI. He received his degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad de Sevilla in 2009, where he worked as a researcher from 2007 to 2010 at the Signal Theory department. He received the PhD in Computer Science degree from University of Geneva, Switzerland in 2014; worked as a research assistant from 2010 to 2014 at the Medgift group at Business Informatics Institute of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland and then as a postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Vision Lab of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ).

Since 2016 he's an IBMer and has worked on a variety of topics: document and image understanding, computational pathology, graph representations and multimodal fusion for AI.

Antonio's full publication record is available on Google Scholar.





Lab that Learns

Leveraging AI foundation models and multi-cloud computing to usher in a new era of reproducible and collaborative experimentation for scientific discovery.

AI for Scientific Discovery

Creating the AI-enabled lab for a new era of reproducible and collaborative experimentation

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