The website also contains several useful resources for the broader community, including related work, a glossary and FAQ, and a public slack channel where the larger community can discuss and provide feedback on the FactSheet concept.
The new FactSheets website furthers our Trusted AI contributions to the scientific communities and builds upon previous open source toolkits from IBM Research including AI Fairness 360, AI Explainability 360 and the Adversarial Robustness Toolbox.
For years, IBM Research AI has been dedicated to delivering AI systems that are built responsibly and act fairly. To achieve this, we believe that multiple dimensions of technical trust should be addressed, including fairness, explainability, adversarial robustness and governance.
We invite you to join us and collaborate on AI FactSheets by sharing your feedback and ideas on our slack channel.
Trustworthy AI: We need to understand why AI makes the decisions it does. We're developing tools to make AI more explainable, fair, robust, private, and transparent.