Circles are like Ellipses, or Ellipses are like Circles? Measuring the Degree of Asymmetry of Static and Contextual Word Embeddings and the Implications to Representation LearningWei ZhangMurray Campbellet al.2021AAAI 2021
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to First-Order Logic Theorem ProvingMaxwell CrouseIbrahim Abdelazizet al.2021AAAI 2021
Graph Neural Network to Dilute Outliers for Refactoring Monolith ApplicationUtkarsh DesaiSambaran Bandyopadhyayet al.2021AAAI 2021
Decentralized policy gradient descent ascent for safe multi-agent reinforcement learningSongtao LuKaiqing Zhanget al.2021AAAI 2021
NASTransfer: Analyzing Architecture Transferability in Large Scale NeuralArchitecture SearchRameswar PandaMichele Merleret al.2021AAAI 2021
Multilingual Transfer Learning for QA using Translation as Data AugmentationMihaela BorneaLin Panet al.2021AAAI 2021
Generate Your Counterfactuals: Towards Controlled Counterfactual Generation for TextNishtha MadaanInkit Padhiet al.2021AAAI 2021