
Resonant Brillouin scattering via free and bound excitons in CdSe


We report resonant Brillouin scattering results in CdSe. Enhancements in Brillouin scattering have been observed at both the I2 bound exciton and the free exciton. As a result of the spatial dispersion of the exciton-polariton, the Brillouin frequencies vary with the polariton energy. From this variation of the Brillouin frequencies, we deduced the following parameters in CdSe: transverse exciton frequency =14713 cm-1, splitting between longitudinal and transverse exciton frequencies = 4cm-1 and exciton effective mass (perpendicular to the c-axis) =0.40 times free electron mass. The Brillouin linewidths were found to vary with polariton energies in qualitative agreement with the theory of Brenig, Zeyher and Birman. © 1978.
