
Resonant 5f valence-band satellite at the 5d threshold in uranium metal


Photoelectron energy distribution curves for polycrystalline -uranium show a giant Fano-type resonance for the intensity of the 5f valence-band features at the Fermi energy EF, when the photon energy is tuned through the 5d core absorption edge at around h 94 to 103 eV. Further, a sharp (full width at half maximum = 2.2 eV) 5f satellite excitation at an initial energy Ei=-2.3 eV below EF has been observed, which has a close analogy to the "6 eV satellite" in Ni. This shakeup satellite shows also a strong resonant enhancement (6 times) at the 5d core-level threshold, but a distinctly different cross-section dependence. The origin of the resonances of the 5f main line and the 2.3-eV satellite is discussed in an atomic framework taking 5f and 6d screening into account. © 1981 The American Physical Society.
