
Patterns of metabolic activity in the treatment of schizophrenia


Six patients with chronic schizophrenia were studied with positron emission tomography (PET) before and after neuroleptic treatment, using fluorine‐18‐labeled fluorodeoxyglucose. After treatment, the mean whole‐slice glucose metabolic rate at the level of the basal ganglia showed a 25% increase. However, patterns of frontal hypometabolism observed with the schizophrenic patients were not altered by medication. Pattern analysis using the fast fourier transform was applied to a set of 422 images from a mixed group of norma, depressed, and schizophrenic subjects. Reconstruction of the images with low‐frequency coefficients was excellent, reducing considerably the number of variables needed to characterize each image. Hierarchical cluster analysis categorized the transformed images according to anatomical level and subject group (patient versus control). The results suggest the utility of this procedure for the classification and characterization of metabolic PET images from psychiatric patients. Copyright © 1984 American Neurological Association
