IUI 2011
Conference paper

2nd international workshop on intelligent user interfaces for developing regions: IUI4DR

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Information Technology (IT) has had significant impact on the society and has touched all aspects of our lives. Up and until now computers and expensive devices have fueled this growth. It has resulted in several benefits to the society. The challenge now is to take this success of IT to its next level where IT services can be accessed by the users in developing regions. The focus of the workshop in 2011 is to identify the alternative sources of intelligence and use them to ease the interaction process with information technology. We would like to explore the different modalities, their usage by the community, the intelligence that can be derived by the usage, and finally the design implications on the user interface. We would also like to explore ways in which people in developing regions would react to collaborative technologies and/or use collaborative interfaces that require community support to build knowledge bases (example Wikipedia) or to enable effective navigation of content and access to services.



IUI 2011


