Program Day 2 - Wednesday 6/11/2013
08:30 Registration
09:00 Keynote: Recent Advances in Model Checking,
Prof. Robert K. Brayton, University of California, Berkeley
10:00 Break
10:30 Session 4: Supporting Dynamic Verification
Chair: Axel Legay
10:30 SLAM: SLice And Merge – Effective Test Generation for Large Systems,
Tali Rabetti, Ronny Morad, Alex Goryachev, Wisam Kadry, and Richard D. Peterson
10:55 Improving Post-Silicon Validation Efficiency by Using Pre-Generated Data,
Amir Nahir, Wisam Kadry, Anatoly Koyfman, Dmitry Krestyashyn, Shimon Landa, and Vitali Sokhin
11:20 Development and Verification of Complex Hybrid Systems using Synthesizable Monitors,
Tamer Salman, Allon Adir, Lev Greenberg, Andreas Abel, and Torsten Blochwitz
11:45 Assertion Checking using Dynamic Inference,
Anand Yeolekar and Divyesh Unadkat
12:10 Break
12:40 Session 5: Specification and Coverage
Chair: Cindy Eisner
12:40 Formal Specification of an Erase Block Management Layer for Flash Memory,
Jörg Pfähler, Gidon Ernst, Gerhard Schellhorn, Dominik Haneberg, and Wolfgang Reif
13:05 Attention-based Coverage Metrics,
Shoham Ben-David, Hana Chockler, and Orna Kupferman
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Keynote Speaker: Synthesis of Concurrent Programs Using Genetic Programming,
Prof. Doron Peled, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
15:30 Excursion