November 13 - 16, 2005 Organized by IBM Research Lab in Haifa, Israel
Social Program
In conjunction with this year's conference, we are organizing a number of social and touring activities for seminar participants. These activities include the following:
- Reception (Sunday, November 13): Conference participants are all invited to a reception, scheduled to take place at 18:00 at the lobby of the IBM Haifa building.
- Baha'i Gardens Tour (Tuesday, November 15, at 11:00): Haifa is the world headquarters of the Baha'i faith. The breathtaking Baha'i Gardens are open to the public, offering a stirring view of the Haifa Bay and the azure Mediterranean Sea. The tour is free of charge to conference participants. For more information, see the Baha'i Gardens site.
- Tour of Jerusalem (Friday-Saturday, November 11-12): For interested conference participants, a tour of Jerusalem is available in the days prior to the seminar, focusing on the religious and historical aspects of the ancient capital of Israel. Please contact Shmuel Ur at if you would like to participate. For more information, see the Jerusalem Municipality's tourism site.
- Hecht Museum Guided Tour (Tuesday, November 15 at 17:20 - 18:00).
- An evening Coctail, which will include the best paper award, will take place on the 15th of November at 18:00, at the CRI lobby on the 6th floor of the Education and Science Bldg. Please note a smart casual dress code will be in effect.
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