Keynote Speaker |
 | Prof. Bill Scherlis, Director, Institute for Software Research (SCS/ISR), Carnegie Mellon University |
Parallel and Distributed Systems:
Testing and Debugging
In conjunction with
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
July 09, 2007
London, England
Sunday July 08, meet at 4pm for social event see
Debugging MPD programs
Session Chair: Dan Quinlan (LLNL)
09:00 JThreadSpy: Teaching Multithreading Programming by Analyzing Execution Traces,
Giovanni Malnati, Caterina Maria Cuva, and Claudia Barberis, Politecnico di Torino
09:40 A Debugger for Flow Graph Based Parallel Application,
Ali Al-Shabibi, Sebastian Gerlach, Roger D. Hersch, and Basile Schaeli - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland School of Computer and Communication Sciences
10:20 Organizing Processes and Threads for Debugging,
Barry Kingsbury, TotalView Technologies
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Keynote Address: Prof. Bill Scherlis - Experience with Fluid: Analysis, design intent, and assurance for concurrency,
Session Chair: Shmuel Ur (IBM)
12:30 PADTAD sponsored lunch
Bug Patterns in MPD programs
Session Chair: Eitan Farchi (IBM)
14:00 Techniques for the Specification of Bug Patterns,
Dan Quinlan, Richard Vuduc - Center for Applied Scientific Computing Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Ghassan Misherghi Department of Computer Science University of California, Davis
14:40 Bug Patterns in STM Engines and How to Test Them - short presentation,
Joao Lourenco, Goncalo Cunha - CITI � Centre for Informatics and Information Technology, and Departamento de Inform�atica Universidade Nova de Lisboa
15:00 Coffee Break
Formal and Healing
Session Chair: Joao Lourenco (UNL)
15:30 Semantics Driven Partial-order Reduction of MPI-based Parallel Programs, PADTAD 2007 Best Paper
Robert Palmer, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and Robert M. Kirby School of Computing, University of Utah
16:10 Healing Data Races On-The-Fly,
Bohuslav Krena - Brno University of Technology, Zdenek Letko - Brno University of Technology, Rachel Tzoref - IBM, Haifa Research Lab, Shmuel Ur - IBM, Haifa Research Lab, and Tomas Vojnar - Brno University of Technology
16:50 Meeting of PC
19:30 PADTAD sponsored Pub Crawl - need a volunteer to choose the Pubs
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