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9:30 Registration
10:00 Opening Remarks,
Dr. Michal Rosen-Zvi, IBM Research - Haifa
The Power of Asymmetry in Similarity-Preserving
Prof. Nati Srebro, Technion
Abstract: When looking for similar objected, like
images and documents, and especially when querying a large
remote data-base for similar objects, it is often useful to
construct short similarity-preserving binary hashes. That
is, to map each image or document to a short bit strings
such that similar objects have similar bit strings. Such a
mapping lies at the root of nearest neighbor search methods
such as Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) and is recently
gaining popularity in a variety of vision, image retrieval
and document retrieval applications. In this talk I will
demonstrate, both theoretically and empirically, that even
for symmetric and well behaved similarity measures, much
could be gained by using two different hash functions---one
for hashing objects in the database and an entirely
different hash function for the queries. Such asymmetric
hashings can allow to significantly shorter bit strings and
more accurate retrieval.
Keynote: Anti-Discriminant Analysis,
Prof. Richard Zemel, University of Toronto
Abstract: Information systems are becoming
increasingly reliant on statistical inference and learning
to render all sorts of decisions, including the issuing of
bank loans, the targeting of advertising, and the provision
of health care. This growing use of automated
decision-making has sparked heated debate among
philosophers, policy-makers, and lawyers, with critics
voicing concerns with bias and discrimination. Bias against
some specific groups may be ameliorated by attempting to
make the automated decision-maker blind to some attributes,
but this is difficult, as many attributes may be correlated
with the particular one. The basic aim then is to make fair
decisions, i.e., ones that are not unduly biased for or
against specific subgroups in the population. We formulate
fairness as an optimization problem of finding a good
representation of the data with two competing goals: to
encode the data as well as possible, while simultaneously
obfuscating any information about membership in the specific
group. This is a computationally challenging objective, with
links to several problems and approaches, including
anonymity and the information bottleneck. I will present an
initial model towards this goal, and show that it allows
trade-offs between the system desiderata. I will also
describe a direction we are currently exploring to extend
the approach, to allow richer nonlinear representations.
Joint work with Cynthia Dwork, Moritz Hardt, Toni Pitassi,
Omer Reingold, Kevin Swersky, Yu Wu, and Max Welling.
11:45 Break
Learning Fast Hand Pose Classification,
Dr. Eyal Krupka, Microsoft
Abstract: We present the Discriminative Ferns
Ensemble (DFE) classifier for efficient visual object
recognition. The classifier architecture is designed to
optimize both classification speed and accuracy when a large
training set is available. The proposed framework is applied
to the problem of hand pose recognition in depth and
infra-red images, using a very large training set. Both the
accuracy and the classification time obtained are
considerably superior to relevant competing methods,
allowing one to reach accuracy targets with run times orders
of magnitude faster than the competition. We also show
empirically that using DFE, we can significantly reduce
classification time by increasing training sample size for a
fixed target accuracy. The result classifier is now used for
hand pose classification in Microsoft Xbox One.
Joint work with Ben Klein, Alon Vinnikov, Aharon Bar-Hillel,
Daniel Freedman, Simon Stachniak.
Why Should We Suffer a Loss?,
Dr. Yossi Keshet, Bar-Ilan University
Abstract: The goal of discriminative learning is to
train a system to optimize the evaluation metric used to
measure its performance. In binary classification one
typically tries to minimizes the 0-1 loss, but in more
complex prediction problems, each task has its own
evaluation metric, such as NDCG in search engines, word
error rate in speech recognition, or the BLEU score in
machine translation. In the talk, I will discuss how current
models of structured prediction such as structured support
machine (SVMs) and conditional random fields (CRF) handle
the evaluation metric optimization, and will present two
algorithms that are designed to the optimize structured
evaluation metrics.
Applications of Machine Learning in Art and Design,
Dr. Michael Fink, Google Israel & Bezalel Design
Abstract: In this talk we will presents several
applications of machine learning to various fields
of design in an attempt to challenge
the machine-learning community to expand towards
non-traditional domains. Through investigations
in architecture, social media,
graphical design, industrial design and political art, we
will show that machine learning can evolve to become a
powerful tool in augmenting artistic statements and
enhancing product usability and personalization.
13:30 Lunch
Structured Conditional Jump Processes,
Dr. Tal El-Hay, IBM Research - Haifa
Abstract: Learning the association between observed
variables and future trajectories of continuous-time
stochastic processes is a fundamental task in dynamic
modeling. Often the dynamics are non-homogeneous and involve
a large number of interacting components. In this work we
introduce a conditional probabilistic model that captures
such dynamics while maintaining scalability and providing an
explicit way to express the interrelation between the system
components. The principal idea is a factorization of the
model into two distinct elements, one that depends only on
time, and the other depends on the system configuration. We
develop a learning procedure given either full or point
observations and test it on simulated data. We apply the
proposed modeling scheme to study EuResist, a cohort of HIV
patients who underwent therapy, and demonstrate that the
factorization helps to shed light on the dynamics of HIV.
Joint work with Omer Weissbrod and Elad Eban.
Principled Algorithms for Deep Learning,
Dr. Ohad Shamir, Weizmann Institute
Abstract: Recent years have seen a dramatic
resurgence of interest in deep learning systems (e.g. neural
networks), capable of compactly representing highly
non-linear and complex predictors. While providing
groundbreaking empirical results on several practical
problems, these methods often require considerable
engineering effort, have many parameters to tune, and are
very heuristic in nature (in particular, they come with no
formal guarantees). In this talk, I'll survey these issues,
and describe a recent attempt to address them in the context
of polynomial predictors.
15:45 Concluding Remarks,
Moshe Levinger, IBM Research - Haifa
16:00 Poster Session