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IBM Research - Medical Informatics Day 2010
Translational Medicine: Is There A Translator Around?!
From Bench to Bedside — Developing an Ecosystem around Evidence Generation and Use at The Point of Care

An IBM Research Medical Informatics PIC sponsored event
October 31, 2010
IBM Haifa Research Lab
Haifa University Campus
Haifa, Israel


Time Title Speaker
08:15 Registration
08:45 Welcome Remarks and Introduction Oded Cohen,
Director, Haifa Research Lab

Uzia Galil,
Founder, Galil Center for Telemedicine, Medical Informatics & Personalized Medicine

Amnon Shabo,
IBM Medical Informatics PIC Co-Chair, Haifa Research Lab
Translating the Biomedical Bench to Bedside
09:00 A Personal History within the Hypertension Saga: From Bench to Bedside Daniele Cusi,
University of Milan
09:30 High Throughput Screens Highlight Alternative Splicing Modulations in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease Hermona Soreq,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
10:00 Translational Infostructure: The Biomedical Information Infrastructure for Hypergenes & EuResist Ariel Farkash,
Haifa Research Lab
10:30 Coffee Break
Translating the Knowledge Bench to Bedside
10:45 Aiding Clinical Decisions with Knowledge Extracted from the Literature, Images and Knowledge Bases, and Translated to Actionable Information Henning Müller,
University of Geneva and U. of Applied Sciences in Sierre
11:15 The Path from the Anti-Parkinsonian Drug Rasagiline to Multifunctional Neuroprotective Anti-Alzheimer Drugs, Ladostigil and M30 Orly Weinreb,
11:45 Cli-G: Deep Biomedical Analytics Platform – a Round Trip from Bedside to Bench and Back Boaz Carmeli,
Haifa Research Lab
12:15 Coffee Break
Translating the Information Bench to Bedside
12:30 AALIM - The Use of Similar-Patient Cohorts for Biomarker Identification and Effectiveness Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood,
Almaden Research Center
13:00 Antidepressant Response Biomarkers: Starting the Journey with Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines David Gurwitz,
Tel Aviv University
13:30 Lunch Break
Translating the Socio-Economic Bench to Bedside
14:30 Integrated Information Systems for Translational Medicine Alfred Winter,
University of Leipzig
15:00 Simulation of Evidence-Based Incentives in Healthcare Ching-Hua Chen-Ritzo,
Watson Research Center
15:30 Translational Medicine – A Patient Perspective Yardena Peres,
Haifa Research Lab
Panel Discussion
16:00 Discussion: What are the main translational barriers you encounter in your research and how could we put together the various pieces of the Translational Medicine puzzle? Invited panelists,
(See below)
17:00 Reception

Panel moderator:

  • Dr. Joe Jasinski
    IBM Distinguished Engineer
    Global Industry Executive
    Smarter Healthcare and Life Sciences
    IBM Research


  • Prof. Eddy Karnieli, MD
    Professor & Director, Inst. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, Rambam Medical Center
    Director, Galil Center for Telemedicine, Medical Informatics & Personalized Medicine
    RB Rapaport Faculty of Medicine – Technion
  • Dr. Mor Peleg, PhD
    Head, Department of Information Systems
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    University of Haifa
  • Dr. Hadas Lewy, PhD
    Technologies and Development Manager of the Maccabi Research Institute for Health Services Research and the CEO of the Maccabi R&D company: NEVET Ltd.
  • Dr. David Gurwitz, PhD
    Director, National Laboratory for the Genetics of Israeli Populations
    Department of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry
    Sackler Faculty of Medicine
    Tel-Aviv University
  • Robert Moskovitch
    Medical Informatics Lab
    Ben Gurion University

Leadership Seminars by year

Previous Medical Informatics Day

The first Medical Informatics Day was held in Watson Research Center on December 4, 2009. Visit the event's site for more details.