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IBM Research - Medical Informatics Day 2010
Translational Medicine: Is There A Translator Around?!
From Bench to Bedside — Developing an Ecosystem around Evidence Generation and Use at The Point of Care

An IBM Research Medical Informatics PIC sponsored event
October 31, 2010
IBM Haifa Research Lab
Haifa University Campus
Haifa, Israel


IBM Research is hosting its annual Medical Informatics (MI) Day at Haifa Research Lab on Sunday, October 31, 2010. The theme for this years event is Translational Medicine and the goal is to bring together researchers who can share results and insights of studies related to the translation of biomedical and legal/ethical studies into improved care provided to the patient. Translational Medicine is about an interdisciplinary convergence of knowledge that relies on appropriate translators between disparate worlds. Thus, the MI day will focus on system requirements as well as human skills needed to realize this crucial process of translation and convergence, all the way from studies to the point of care, facilitated by innovative infostructure technologies.

This event is being co-sponsored by IBM Research - Haifa and the IBM World-Wide Research Medical Informatics Professional Interest Community (PIC).

Participant is free but requires registration. For more information, please contact Amnon Shabo at

Leadership Seminars by year

Previous Medical Informatics Day

The first Medical Informatics Day was held in Watson Research Center on December 4, 2009. Visit the event's site for more details.