Distributed AI Technical Workshop

  • Cambridge, MA, USA and virtual
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This is a two-hour interactive workshop over two days on the theme of Distributed (Edge) AI using the IBM Research JupyterLab. The first day is a lecture and demo on using the Distributed AI APIs for model fusion and out of distribution model fingerprinting. The second day is a group discussion that will include discussions with the IBM Research Distributed (Edge) AI team.

Why attend

IBM Research has been a thought leader in developing Distributed AI techniques and algorithms that solve AI/ML challenges in a hybrid cloud environment - with a focus on data privacy and security from the edge to the cloud - since the Global Technology Outlook in 2015. This workshop will be an introduction to the Edge AI SDK which provides the algorithms to analyze and manage the data at the source.


Background in Data Science or Computer Science


Keith Grueneberg

Keith Grueneberg

STSM - Distributed AI
 Shalisha Witherspoon

Shalisha Witherspoon

Software Engineer


  • Take part in a day of interactive learning, as we explore that application of Distributed AI in real-world scenarios and share how the creative use of the Edge AI SDK is being used to solve major problems.

    • Edge AI vs Distributed AI
    • Distribution of knowledge check to practice application of APIs at home
    • Modernize your approach by leveraging a state of the art Edge AI SDK in our IBM Research JupyterLab
    Keith Grueneberg
    Keith Grueneberg
    STSM - Distributed AI
     Shalisha Witherspoon
    Shalisha Witherspoon
    Software Engineer

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