Empress enables tree-guided, interactive, and exploratory analyses of multi-omic data setsKalen CantrellMarcus W. Fedarkoet al.2021mSystems
Microbiome metadata standards: Report of the national microbiome data collaborative's workshop and follow-on activitiesPajau VangayJosephine Burginet al.2021mSystems
Human skin, oral, and gut microbiomes predict chronological ageShi HuangNiina Haiminenet al.2020mSystems
Development and evaluation of statistical and artificial intelligence approaches with microbial shotgun metagenomics data as an untargeted screening tool for use in food productionKristen L. BeckNiina Haiminenet al.2024mSystems
Phylogeny-Aware Analysis of Metagenome Community Ecology Based on Matched Reference Genomes while Bypassing TaxonomyQiyun ZhuShi Huanget al.2022mSystems
DNA extraction and host depletion methods significantly impact and potentially bias bacterial detection in a biological fluidErika GandaKristen L. Becket al.2021mSystems