Refining the Definition of Stage 1 Type 1 Diabetes: An Ontology-Driven Analysis of the Heterogeneity of Multiple Islet AutoimmunityBrigitte I. FrohnertMohamed Ghalwashet al.2023Diabetes Care
Quantifying the utility of islet autoantibody levels in the prediction of type 1 diabetes in childrenKenney NgVibha Anandet al.2022Diabetologia
Islet Autoantibody Levels Differentiate Progression Trajectories in Individuals With Presymptomatic Type 1 DiabetesBum Chul KwonPeter Achenbachet al.2022Diabetes
Data-Driven Phenotyping of Presymptomatic Type 1 Diabetes Using Longitudinal Autoantibody ProfilesMohamed GhalwashVibha Anandet al.2024Diabetes Care
Islet autoantibody screening in at-risk adolescents to predict type 1 diabetes until young adulthood: a prospective cohort studyMohamed GhalwashVibha Anandet al.2023The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health