Opportunities of topological semimetals as novel material for computing. Experimental transport studies and devicesHeinz SchmidAlan Molinariet al.2023MRS Spring Meeting 2023
Quantum oscillations and topological magnetotransport in micron-scale Hall bars of the chiral semimetal CoSiAlan MolinariFederico Balduiniet al.2022MRS Spring Meeting 2022
A Research Plan for Integrating Generative and Cognitive AI for Human Centered, Explainable Co-Creative AIMary Lou MaherBrian Magerkoet al.2022CHI 2022
Correlation between structural and magnetotransport properties in topological CoSi thin filmsAlan MolinariHeinz Schmidet al.2021NANO 2021
Topological magnetotransport properties of micron-scale CoSi Hall bars fabricated by focused ion beam millingAlan MolinariHeinz Schmidet al.2021MNE 2021