Analytical Sciences

X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectivity Analysis of Multiple-Layer Thin Films

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The use of X-ray fluorescence and reflectivity techniques for the characterization of the layer structures of multiple-layer thin films is described. The X-ray fluorescence technique is used for the precision determination of composition and layer thicknesses of two triple-layer NiFe, Cu, and Cr thin films. The X-ray reflectivity technique is used to determine the values of layer thickness, density, and roughness of a six-layer Ta/FeMn/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/Ta thin film. Both X-ray fluorescence and reflectivity techniques are used for the analysis of two Au/NiFe multilayers. The results showed that the X-ray fluorescence and reflectivity techniques are complimentary. The use of both techniques for layer-structure determinations improves the reliability of the analysis. © 1995, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. All rights reserved.



Analytical Sciences

