Formal Methods in System Design

Verification of FM9801: An out-of-order microprocessor model with speculative execution, exceptions, and program-modifying capability

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We have verified the FM9801, a microprocessor design whose features include speculative execution, out-of-order issue and completion of instructions using Tomasulo's algorithm, and precise exceptions and interrupts. As a correctness criterion, we used a commutative diagram that compares the result of the pipelined execution from a flushed state to another flushed state with that of the sequential execution. Like many pipelined microprocessors, the FM9801 may not operate correctly if the executed program modifies itself. We discuss the condition under which the processor is guaranteed to operate correctly. In order to show that the correctness criterion is satisfied, we introduce an intermediate abstraction that records the history of executed instructions. Using this abstraction, we define a number of invariant properties that must hold during the operation of the FM9801. We verify these invariant properties, and then derive the proof of the commutative diagram from them. The proof has been mechanically checked by the ACL2 theorem prover.



Formal Methods in System Design

