The Journal of Chemical Physics

Valence excited states of CH. I. Potential curves

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Ab initio CI calculations have been performed over a wide range of internuclear distances (1.00-20.00 bohr) to obtain the potential curves for the first five valence excited states of CH; X2II, a4Σ -, A 2Δ, B2Σ-, and C2Σ+. Results, with known experimental values in parentheses, are Re(X2II) = 2.113 (2.116) bohr, R e(a4Σ-) = 2.053 bohr; R e(A2Δ) = 2.083(2.083) bohr, Re(B 2Σ) = 2.216(2.20) bohr, Re(C2Σ +) = 2.100(2.105) bohr; De(X2II) = 3.51(3.63) eV, De(a4Σ-) = 2.84 eV, D e(A2Δ) = 1.90(2.01) eV, De(B 2Σ-) = 0.23(0.40) eV, and De),(C 2Σ+) = 0.78(0.94) eV. Potential maxima of heights 1284 and 3228 cm-1 are calculated for the B2Σ - and C2Σ+ states, respectively. These maxima are attributed to avoided curve crossings. The a4Σ state, not observed experimentally, is estimated to lie between 0.62 and 0.76 eV above the X2II state.



The Journal of Chemical Physics

