Issues in Science and Technology

The future of nuclear deterrence


Several authors share their experiences on the future of nuclear deterrence and the effect of it on the world. The August 1949 Soviet nuclear test identified pressures for the deployment of US defenses and counter-force capability to deter the nuclear attack. The government should reduce the possibility of acquisition of weapon-usable materials by highly enriched uranium at the market price. A nuclear weapon or explosion could destroy the society and much of the civilization. Thomas Schelling has been a dominant figure in the development of the theory of nuclear deterrence and its implications for strategic policies. Nuclear deterrence can be maintained and extended to cover the new policies. More efforts can continue to be accomplished to keep deterrence through the education of leaders in apolitical settings in which national security can be seen in perspective and where the exposure of national leaders to the disastrous effects of nuclear explosives are made.



Issues in Science and Technology
