ICCAD 1996
Conference paper

Static timing analysis for self resetting circuits


Static timing analysis techniques are widely used to verify the timing behavior of large digital designs implemented predominantly in conventional static CMOS. These techniques, however, are not sufficient to completely verify the dynamic circuit families now finding favor in high-performance designs. In this paper, we describe an approach that extends static timing analysis to a high-performance dynamic CMOS logic family called self-resetting CMOS (SRCMOS). Due to the circuit structure employed in SRCMOS, designs naturally decompose into a hierarchy of gates and macros; timing analysis must address and preferably exploit this hierarchy. At the gate level, three categories of constraints on pulse timing arise from considering the effects of pulse width, overlap, and collisions. Timing analysis is performed at the macro level, by a) performing timing tests at macro boundaries and b) using macro-level delay models. We define various macro-level timing tests which ensure that fundamental gate-level timing constraints are satisfied. We extend the standard delay model to handle leading and trailing edges of signal pulses, across-chip variations, tracking of signals, and slow and fast operating conditions. We have developed an SRCMOS timing analyzer based on this approach; the analyzer was implemented as extensions to a standard static timing analysis program, thus facilitating its integration into an existing design system and methodology.



ICCAD 1996


