ICNP 2013
Conference paper

Skewless network clock synchronization

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This paper examines synchronization of computer clocks connected via a data network and proposes a skewless algorithm to synchronize them. Unlike existing solutions, which either estimate and compensate the frequency difference (skew) among clocks or introduce offset corrections that can generate jitter and possibly even backward jumps, our algorithm achieves synchronization without these problems. We first analyze the convergence property of the algorithm and provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the parameters to guarantee synchronization. We then implement our solution on a cluster of IBM BladeCenter servers running Linux and study its performance. In particular, both analytically and experimentally, we show that our algorithm can converge in the presence of timing loops. This marks a clear contrast with current standards such as NTP and PTP, where timing loops are specifically avoided. Furthermore, timing loops can even be beneficial in our scheme. For example, it is demonstrated that highly connected subnetworks can collectively outperform individual clients when the time source has large jitter. It is also experimentally demonstrated that our algorithm outperforms other well-established software-based solutions such as the NTPv4 and IBM Coordinated Cluster Time (IBM CCT). © 2013 IEEE.



ICNP 2013

