ICSTW 2015
Conference paper

Semantic analysis technique of logics retrieval for software testing from specification documents

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Software testing often targets natural language specification documents. Creating test cases depends on engineer skills, then automation of creating test cases from natural language specification is important. Logics retrieval is a required technique to automate creating test cases, because once logics are retrieved we can transform them into decision tables and also create test cases from the decision tables. Furthermore, Japanese language structure is different from English. If we target Japanese natural language, a new technique is also required. We propose a Semantic Analysis Technique of Logics Retrieval for Software Testing from Japanese Public Sector's Specification Documents. This technique is a new logics retrieval from harmonization between natural language processing technique and software testing. Applying the analysis technique to total 25 files, 1,218 pages and a million double bytes characters, the precision reached 0.93 to 0.97 and recall reached 0.65 to 0.79.



ICSTW 2015