Quantum informed machine-learning potentials for modeling CO2 adsorption in metal organic frameworks
Global warming caused by excessive emission of greenhouse gases into atmosphere imposes profound changes in environment. For curbing the global temperature increase, effective approaches for carbon capture are needed. As porous sorbents, metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are promising candidate-materials that potentially combine high uptake and selectivity. However, it is still challenging to computationally identify the best suited species within the hundreds of thousands of MOF structures known today. First-principles-based simulations of adsorption in MOFs would provide the necessary accuracy, however, they are impractical for screening purpose due to the high computational cost. Classical-force-field based simulations would be computationally feasible, however, they do not provide sufficient accuracy. Here, we report the quantum-informed machine-learning force fields (QMLFF) for atomistic simulations of in MOFs. We demonstrate that the method has a much higher computational efficiency (~1000 times) than first-principles one while maintaining quantum-level accuracy. As a proof of principle, we show that the QMLFF-based atomistic simulations can yield various physical quantities comparable to experimental results. The combination of machine learning and atomistic simulation paves the way for modeling capture by MOFs both accurately and efficiently.