Conference paper

QoE control of network using collective intelligence of SNS in large-scale disasters


When the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in 2011, it was difficult to immediately determine all telecommunications network conditions using only information from network monitoring devices because the damage was considerably heavy and a severe congestion control state occurred, Moreover, at the time of the earthquake, telephone and e-mail services could not be used in many cases, although social networking services (SNSs) were still available, In an emergency, such as an earthquake, users proactively convey information on telecommunications network conditions through SNSs, Therefore, the collective intelligence of SNSs is suitable as a means of information detection complementary to conventional observation through network monitoring devices, In this paper, we propose a network-failure-detection system that detects telephony failures with a high degree of accuracy by using the collective intelligence of Twitter, one of the most widely used SNSs, We also show that network control can be performed automatically and autonomically using information on telecommunications network conditions retrieved with our system, We developed a network-control system on a deeply programmable network (DPN) environment and implemented it on a wide-area network testbed.
