HRI 2019
Conference paper

Plan Explanations as Model Reconciliation

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Recent work in explanation generation for decision making agents has looked at how unexplained behavior of autonomous systems can be understood in terms of differences in the model of the system and the human's understanding of the same, and how the explanation process as a result of this mismatch can be then seen as a process of reconciliation of these models. Existing algorithms in such settings, while having been built on contrastive, selective and social properties of explanations as studied extensively in the psychology literature, have not, to the best of our knowledge, been evaluated in settings with actual humans in the loop. As such, the applicability of such explanations to human-AI and human-robot interactions remains suspect. In this paper, we set out to evaluate these explanation generation algorithms in a series of studies in a mock search and rescue scenario with an internal semi-autonomous robot and an external human commander. During that process, we hope to demonstrate to what extent the properties of these algorithms hold as they are evaluated by humans.



HRI 2019
