PerCom 2005
Conference paper

PICASSO: Pervasive information chronicling, access, search, and sharing for organizations


Several researchers have pointed out and begun to demonstrate that it is now possible to digitize an entire lifetime of experiences into a pocket-sized storage device, and thus to create a rich and portable electronic chronicle of an individual's life and activities. This possibility has brought with it a host of significant challenges: How can the creation of these electronic chronicles be natural and effortless? How should these chronicles be organized? What kinds of navigation and search tools unleash the potential of the chronicled data allowing the user to receive and retrieve the information most relevant to their context at any time? How can such chronicles impact business organizations? How can people in organizations share chronicles and effectively combine chronicled data from different individuals in collaborative settings? Our research is beginning to address these issues with a focus on the business organizational setting. In this paper we introduce PICASSO, our work on pervasive chronicle creation and exploitation in enterprise applications. PICASSO enables the capture of rich user context (including PC/PDA interactions, audio, video, images, and location) and provides tools that enable users to search, navigate, share, and merge personal events, both from desktop computers and from mobile devices. © 2005 IEEE.



PerCom 2005

