SIAM Journal on Computing

Performing work efficiently in the presence of faults

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We consider a system of t synchronous processes that communicate only by sending messages to one another, and together the processes must perform n independent units of work. Processes may fail by crashing; we want to guarantee that in every execution of the protocol in which at least one process survives, all n units of work will be performed. We consider three parameters: the number of messages sent, the total number of units of work performed (including multiplicities), and time. We present three protocols for solving the problem. All three are work optimal, doing O(n+t) work. The first has moderate costs in the remaining two parameters, sends O(t√t) messages, and takes O(n + t) time. This protocol can be easily modified to run in any completely asynchronous system equipped with a failure detection mechanism. The second sends only O(t log t) messages, but its running time is large (O(t2(n + t)2n+t)). The third is essentially time optimal in the (usual) case in which there are no failures, and its time complexity degrades gracefully as the number of failures increases. © 1998 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.



SIAM Journal on Computing


