
Numerical results for the random-field Ising model and the dilute antiferromagnetic Ising model in a uniform field


We have studied the equilibrium properties of the random-field (H) ferromagnetic Ising model (RFIM) and the dilute antiferromagnetic Ising model (DAF) in a uniform field. For RFIM we have used the transfer-matrix technique, thus bypassing serious equilibration problems which would arise in a Monte Carlo calculation for random systems. We have calculated the structure factor S versus H. Our results are consistent with S exp(c/H2) as predicted by theories which yield a lower critical dimension dc=2, whereas the expected behavior for dc=3, S H-4 is inconsistent with our results. We have carried out analogous calculations for DAF. Our results for DAF suffer seriously from finite-size effects. To circumvent this difficulty, we have also performed calculations on interface models. Together, these results indicate that DAF crosses over to RFIM behavior at HJ. © 1985 The American Physical Society.
