
Intermolecular potential for thermal H2O-He collisions


Theoretical potentials for rotational excitation of H2O by He were constructed via several methods, all of which start with a large basis set SCF interaction. The semiempirical Hartree-Fock with damped dispersion (HFD) model adds a damped long-range attraction with parameters adjusted to fit experimental total differential cross sections. Purely ab initio potentials add correlation energies obtained via perturbtion theory (MP2 and MP4) or a variational method (ICF1). Scattering calculations were performed on all surfaces to compare with available beam scattering and pressure broadening data and to assess sensitivity of state-to-state rates to uncertainties in the potential. From comparison with the limited experimental data, the ICF1 surface appears to be marginally better than the MP4 surface. Thermal rates calculated from this surface should be accurate to better than 50%, at least for the larger, more important rates. © 1988 American Institute of Physics.
