Conference paper

Intent focused summarization of caller-agent conversations

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In this paper, we propose a conditional random field (CRF) based to identify segments within call center conversations that convey caller intent. A distinguishing aspect of our approach is the use of context information of the intent bearing segments to predict the presence or absence of intents within various segments. The context is represented through a set of phrase features that are frequently present in and around the intent bearing segments. These phrases, identified in a data-driven manner, are used along with conventional word features in a CRF based sequence labeling framework to assign intent/non-intent labels to each utterance in a conversation. Another distinguishing aspect of our approach is that instead of using 1-best label alignment, we extract N-best label alignments at the output of CRF and combine evidences from them to rank the utterances according to their intent bearing potential, so that top ranked utterances can be chosen as the intent summary. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and to evaluate the influence of automatic speech recognition (ASR) errors we evaluated our approach using manually transcribed and ASR transcribed conversations. Experimental results show improved summarization accuracy using our approach. Specifically, in 92% of the manually transcribed conversations accurate summaries of just one utterance length can be extracted using the proposed approach. © 2013 IEEE.



