FSKD 2005
Conference paper

Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion based on a fast TBL algorithm in mandarin TTS systems


Grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion is an important subcomponent in many speech processing systems. The difficulty in Chinese G2P conversion is to pick out one correct pronunciation from several candidates according to the context information such as part-of-speech, lexical words, length of the word, or position of the polyphone in a word or a sentence. By evaluating the distribution of polyphones in a large text corpus with correct pinyin transcriptions, this paper points out that correct G2P conversion for 78 key polyphones greatly decrease the overall error rate. This paper proposed a fast Transformation-based error-driven learning (TBL) algorithm to solve G2P conversion. The correct rates of polyphones, which originally have high accuracy or low accuracy, are both improved. After compared with Decision Tree algorithm, TBL algorithm shows better performance to solve the polyphone problem. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.



FSKD 2005


