
Experimental energy-band dispersions and lifetimes for ruthenium


We have determined energy-band dispersions and lifetimes for occupied and empty bands along the threefold axis of Ru using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation. The lowest valence band extends from - 7.5 eV below the Fermi energy at 1+ to - 5.6 eV at 4- with an inverse lifetime of 1.2 eV. There is a band gap between - 5.5 and - 2.8 eV. The t2g-like and eg-like points are at - 2.4 eV 6-,1+) and at - 0.3 eV (6+), respectively. A 5, 6 symmetry gap extends from - 1.7 to - 0.5 eV. A comparison with band calculations is given. © 1981 The American Physical Society.
