Enterprise information extraction: Recent developments and open challenges
Information extraction (IE) - the problem of extracting structured information from unstructured text - has become an increasingly important topic in recent years. A SIGMOD 2006 tutorial [3] outlined challenges and opportunities for the database community to advance the state of the art in information extraction, and posed the following grand challenge: "Can we build a System R for information extraction?" Our tutorial gives an overview of progress the database community has made towards meeting this challenge. In particular, we start by discussing design requirements in building an enterprise IE system. We then survey recent technological advances towards addressing these requirements, broadly categorized as: (1) Languages for specifying extraction programs in a declarative way, thus allowing database-style performance optimizations; (2) Infrastructure needed to ensure scalability, and (3) Development support for enterprise IE systems. Finally, we outline several open challenges and opportunities for the database community to further advance the state of the art in enterprise IE systems. The tutorial is intended for students and researchers interested in information extraction and its applications, and assumes no prior knowledge of the area.