International Conference on APL 1984
Conference paper

An APL system for interactive scientific-engineering graphics and data analysis

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This paper describes an APL system, GRAFSTAT, designed for interactive scientific-engineering plotting, data analysis, applied statistics, and customized graphics output development. It runs under VSAPL on the IBM 3277GA and 3279 graphics terminals. The system has a full screen, menu driven interface. It is synergistic with APL in that full screen entries can be APL expressions and in that the interactively developed full screen responses can be run noninteractively within the user's own APL functions. The system contains a wide range of graphics capabilities, a set of commonly applied data analysis and statistical routines, and utilities for cataloging full screen responses, application functions, and data, i.e., for the general management of the user's work sessions and work units. It provides an excellent example of the potential of APL as a software base for scientific Engineering applications in interactive environments with high resolution graphics displays.



International Conference on APL 1984

