Invitation to IBM�s Verification Seminar 2002
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September 12, 2002
Organized by IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel
For those unable to attend the seminar in person, the talks may be heard by calling in to the following conference call line: +972-4-8296550.
The Verification Technologies department at the IBM Haifa Research Lab (HRL) cordially invites you to a full-day seminar on Verification, to be held on Thursday, the 12th of September 2002.
This is the third in a sequence of verification seminars held by HRL since 1999.
The seminar will take place at HRL�s new site on the Haifa University campus, HRL�s auditorium (room L100), from 9:30 to 17:15. Lunch and light refreshments will be provided. Participation is free.
Please confirm your participation by September 5.
Preliminary Program
Seminar Organizing Committee
Local Arrangements