09:30 - Registration, light
refreshments, networking
10:00 -
Formal Verification Tutorial
In this tutorial, we will provide a swift introduction
to the exciting field of formal verification. This is
a good chance to learn more about this technology,
which is becoming increasingly prevalent in the
functional verification of hardware projects. This
tutorial will explain how formal verification does not
require any test vectors to be written and how it
achieves 100% coverage when applied properly. We will
introduce some of the technological building blocks of
the technology and explain what differentiates it from
simulation. Finally, we will review the latest
breakthroughs of model checking technology.
11:00 - Coffee break
11:20 -
Additional Applications of Formal Verification in
Hardware Verification
Functional verification is only one space where formal
verification can be used. In this session, we will
present a number of additional areas in which formal
verification technology can be used in a chip design
project, including a designer debug tool, hit rare
coverage goals, protocol compliance, architectural
protocol verification, and more.
12:00 -
IBM Experience in Formal Verification Using
RuleBase PE
In this session, we will present our own experience
with the technology in various projects in IBM. We
will share our insights from years of experience with
tools and methodologies - what works and what
12:35 - Coffee break
12:45 -
FV Methodology
In this short session, we will introduce the central
issues to be considered when applying formal
verification: selecting the right piece of logic,
writing the appropriate rules, monitoring progress,
and more.
13:15 -
RuleBase PE Demo
In this demo session, we will demonstrate the use of
RuleBase PE, covering the full work flow through the
eyes of a verification engineer.
13:45 - Light Lunch