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Machine Learning Seminar 2008
May 25, 2008
Organized by IBM Haifa Research Lab

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9:30 Gathering

10:00 Opening Remarks,
Oded Cohn, Director, IBM Haifa Research Lab

10:15 An Overview of Agnostic Learning,
Adam Kalai, Georgia Institute of Technology

10:45 Learning for Debugging Large-Scale Web Services,
Ira Cohen, HP Labs

11:15 Bi-Level Path Following for Cross Validated Solution of Kernel Quantile Regression,
Saharon Rosset, Tel-Aviv University

11:45 Break

12:00 Revealing Structure in Unseeable Data,
Noam Slonim, IBM Haifa Research Lab

12:30 Keynote: Learning in an Integrated Intelligent System: Examples from the CALO System,
Thomas G. Dietterich, Director of Intelligent Systems Research, Oregon State University
13:30 Lunch

14:30 Solving Biological Problems with Probabilistic Graphical Models,
Eran Segal, Weizmann Institute of Science

15:00 Machine Learning Techniques inside the Medical Information Hub,
Andre Elisseeff, IBM Zurich Research Lab

15:30 Break

15:45 Projection Methods: Algorithmic Structure and Acceleration Techniques,
Yair Censor, University of Haifa

16:15 Learning to See in Plato's Cave and Distributed Teachers,
Ran Gilad-Bachrach, Intel Research Israel Lab

16:45 Posters and Refreshments,
Naftali Tishby, Hebrew University
Elad Yom-Tov, IBM Haifa Research Lab