Hardware Formal Verification with RuleBase-SixthSense Edition
Monday, April 2, 2012IBM Research - Haifa, Israel
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- Invitation
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- Registration
- Abstracts
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9:30 Registration, light refreshments
9:50 Opening remarks,
Sivan Rabinovich, HRL Formal Verification group
10:00 Formal verification essentials,
Dr. Arie Matsliash,
Dr. Alexander (Sasha) Ivrii,
HRL Formal Verification group
11:00 Break
11:20 Announcing RuleBase SixthSense Edition,
Dr. Jason Baumgartner, IBM formal verification
development lead
Transformation based verification, new engines, new
appearance, record capacity ... and more ...
12:30 Break
12:45 Formal verification application in IBM,
Viresh Paruthi, IBM formal verification application
verification of hardware arbiters
Copty, Formal verification expert
13:30 Light lunch