09:50 Registration
10:10 Opening Remarks,
Oded Cohn, Director, IBM Research - Haifa
10:30 Keynote: Postgenomic Era and P4 Medicine: Integrative Systems Biology Approaches
Pierre Baldi, University of California Irvine
11:30 Break
11:45 Exploiting Population Diversity in the Analysis of Human Genetic Variation
Eran Halperin, Tel-Aviv university
12:10 Mapping by Admixture Aberration Analysis using pooled DNA
Sivan Bercovici, Technion
12:35 Enhancing Genetic Association Studies by Reordering Relevant SNPs
Hani Neuvirth-Telem, IBM
13:00 Prediction using GWA Data: Utilising Pathway Analysis and Shrinkage Regression - Case-study on 3 Inflammatory Diseases
Clive Hoggart, Imperial College
13:30 Lunch |
14:30 Panel: From Ivory Tower to Hospital - Bringing Clinical Genomic Research to the Medical Practice
Jacques Beckmann, Mordechai Muszkat and Fabio Macciardi
15:15 What Can Be Learned from a Large Clinical Cohort
Sven Bergmann, University of Lausanne
15:45 Break
16:00 Pharmacogenomic Studies in Hypertension using Genome-Wide and Candidate
Genes Strategies
Erika Salvi, University of Milano
16:20 Genomewide Association Study for Schizophrenia in an Arab Israeli Family
Ana Alkelai, Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Center
16:40 The HIV Cohort Data Study: Selection and Assessment of SNP-drug Interactions Affecting Lipid Responses of HIV Patients to Antiretroviral Treatment
Diana Marek, University of Lausanne and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
17:00 Poster Session and Light Refreshments